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Let’s Work Together
Sunday School
EMBC has small group Bible Studies for all ages from graded children's classes, classes for couples and singles, along with multi-generational groups. We consider these classes crucial to the spiritual growth of every believer. These small groups that meet at 9:00 am on Sunday mornings, provide a place of in-depth Bible study, fellowship, and ministry opportunities. Join us our Sunday School hour and discover more of God's truths for your life.
Children's Ministry
EMBC children's ministry is a lively and exciting ministry for sure. Our two biggest events in the year are VBS and summer camp. We have a number of smaller events scattered across the calendar to make for an exciting time of ministry. Our goal in the children's ministry here is to serve and love the children and their family; To teach the children in our care the truth of the Bible; To thoroughly explain and demonstrate the power of the gospel. Lastly, we want to have fun and engage with the children on what they think is fun and creative. From large events like camp to weekly activities as Sunday school and Children's Church, ours ministry is tailored in a way to help us connect with each child on a personal level and model the love of Jesus for them.
Food Closet Ministry
EMBC Food Closet ministry includes distribution of sacks & food according to the need. The Food Closet is open on the first and third Wednesdays of each month, from 9:00 A.M. to 10:00 A.M. (We do ask that you have proper forms avaliable, PER RECIPIENT) Click here for more information.
*Current ID
*Food Stamp Card
*Verification of the address
If you have any questions, please call (270) 685-5239 & we will help you.
Missions Ministry
EMBC is a very “mission-minded” church. We are involved in local, state, North America, and International ministries.
We strive to impact our community by meeting physical and spiritual needs by sharing the love of Jesus! We have a variety of on-going mission projects throughout the year, such as: “BackPack Ministry”; Blessing Box; Operation Christmas Child Shoebox; Neighborhood Fun & Food Days; Disaster Relief, etc. We are committed to local and worldwide missions as we support seasonal offerings such as "Lottie Moon Christmas Offering" for international missions, "Annie Armstrong Easter Offering" for North American missions, and "Eliza Broadus Offering" for Kentucky state missions. We are a Christian family that is called and committed to share the Good News of salvation, and to “make disciples”. We believe the Bible is God’s Holy Word that serves as the basis of our teachings, and way of life.
Music Ministry
EMBC is blessed with a faithful group of singers and musicians who consistently provide inspiring music as part of our worship experience. Our style of music would be considered "multigenerational," as it is both traditional and contemporary songs that drive our worship. The EMBC adult choir leads in worship and presents special worship events throughout the year. Music opportunities are available for our children and youth through graded choirs, instruments and theme interpretations.
Nursery Ministry
EMBC is committed to providing a safe and Christ-like environment for our babies. We are staffed with dedicated workers who provide our nursery ministry for both services on Sunday and Wednesday evenings. Our nursery is located in close proximity to our main sanctuary as a convenience to our parents. Our nursery is designed for ages newborn through three years old.
Radio Broadcast Ministry
EMBC broadcasts "live" every Sunday morning on a local radio for our community and homebound members who can worship with us in the comfort of their homes. Tune in every Sunday morning at 10:00 am WOMI (1490 AM or 99.1 FM).
Youth Ministry
EMBC is blessed with a wonderful youth ministry where the Word of God is a priority. Our youth leaders have a heart to impact our youth today as leaders for tomorrow. Throughout the year our youth participate in many activities for fellowship and ministry that include: retreats, lock-ins, parties, camps, mission trips, and concerts. They worship the Lord through singing, drama, interpretive movement, and sign language.